Power Plant Demolition Air Quality Reports
The City of Avon Lake contracted an independent environmental consultant, Verdantas, to conduct air quality monitoring and testing before, during, and after the controlled demolition of the former Avon Lake Power Plant, which occurred on December 19, 2024. Verdantas reviewed the air monitoring data and confirmed that particulate levels, metals, asbestos, and other pollutants were minimal, posing little risk to both the surrounding public and onsite workers. The report details measurements from six monitoring stations, with results showing that concentrations of dust, metals, and respirable particles were well below safety limits set by OSHA. Additionally, no significant levels of hazardous substances, such as asbestos fibers or mercury, were detected. Overall, the air quality during and after the demolition event indicated no notable health concerns for either local residents or workers, with the findings aligned with established safety standards. These results from Verdantas align with the results and analysis from Avon Lake Environmental Redeveloment Group (ALERG) report.
Additional testing was conducted on insulation material. Results determined this material to be fiberglass insulation with no asbestos present in the samples.
The full reports and data are available below:
ALERG Air Monitoring Data Report
Verdantas Report
Verdantas Peer Review Memo
Insulation Test Results