Parks & Recreation Commission

The Parks and Recreation Commission serves in an advisory capacity to City Council, the Mayor, and the Recreation Director on matters affecting City-owned parks, in addition to recreation policies and programs.

Commission Members

The Parks and Recreation Commission consists of five resident members appointed by the Mayor with at least one member appointed from each ward. One member of City Council, one member of the Board of Education, and one member of the Tree Commission serve as ex officio members.


  • Richard Mack, Ward I Resident (term ending 12/31/2026)
  • Kara Erdmann, Ward II Resident (term ending 12/31/2025)
  • Lynette Brausch, Ward III Resident and Chair (term ending 12/31/2024)
  • Stacy Jantz, Ward III Resident (term ending 12/31/2025)
  • Georganne Wolnowski, Ward IV Resident (term ending 12/31/2024)

Tree Commission Representative:

  • Amanda Ortiz Byrnes

School Representative:

  • Dale Krzynowek

Council Representative:

  • Rob Shahmir

Meeting Times & Locations

The Commission has a minimum of five meetings per year and they are typically in January, March, May, June, September, and November. They meeting are in the Lake House in Veterans’ Memorial Park at 5:30 p.m.