Where do I get a Commercial Zoning Occupancy Permit application?
That will tell us what type of business you are and where you are looking to operate To ensure the space is zoned correctly for your business.
These applications are available online via the Access Our Avon Lake public portal or with this direct link, Zoning Occupancy Permit
When will I receive a zoning occupancy permit?
A zoning occupancy permit will be issued upon receipt and review of a completed application and when all requirements of the Planning & Zoning Code are met.
What is required if I am planning on occupying an existing tenant space or building?
A re-occupancy of an existing structure with a permitted use, when there is no change in (1) the bulk of the structure or (2) in an approved site plan and (3) there is no change in the parking requirements, is exempt from site plan review procedures. A zoning occupancy permit shall be issued by the Planning & Zoning Manager upon receipt of a completed application.
A re-occupancy of a permitted use in an existing structure when there is a change in the parking requirements based on code requirements in Chapter 1234, a site plan review by Planning Commission is required. When there is an approved site plan or some other positive action taken by the Planning Commission, the Planning & Zoning Manager shall then issue a Zoning Occupancy Permit.
What is required if I am constructing a new building on a site?
A Zoning Permit and Zoning Occupancy Permit are required. A full site plan review per Code Section 1214.06 shall be done. Site plan approval shall be issued by the Planning Commission prior to permitting.