The Veterans Never Forgotten banner program recognizes, honors, and pays tribute to the men and women who are currently serving or have served in the Armed Forces from Avon Lake or have ties to Avon Lake. Banners honoring our brave service men and women will proudly be displayed beginning Memorial Day through Veterans Day (May - November) on Avon Belden Road and Lake Road near Veterans' Memorial Park, 32756 Lake Road, as a way for our community to express our gratitude for their service to our country. Each banner will honor a specific service person with Avon Lake ties and will include their name, rank, branch of service, and photo. Banners are printed double-sided in color and measure 30 inches wide by 54 inches tall.
Banners will be presented to the honoree or sponsor after the designated display period.
Sponsor A Banner:
A completed application must be submitted to the Avon Lake Recreation Department for approval. Payment must be included with the application. Applications are available at the Avon Lake Recreation Department which is located at City Hall, 150 Avon Belden Road or online by clicking HERE. Applications can be scanned and emailed to, mailed or dropped off to City of Avon Lake, ATTN: Recreation, 150 Avon Belden Road, Avon Lake, Ohio 44012.
Payment must be included with the application. Banners are $140 for one season and $180 for two consecutive seasons. Payment can be made in-person or by phone using a credit/debit card. Checks are to be made payable to the City of Avon Lake. The City of Avon Lake is not responsible for banners that are damaged or destroyed by weather or other natural causes.
Once the application is approved, photographs may be submitted. No photos should be submitted until the application is approved.
Anyone wishing to renew a banner must contact the Recreation Department at 440-930-4130 or email Renewals will be placed in order following all new applications and will only be hung if space is available. Renewals using the same banner are $40 per year. Banners will be evaluated each year. If the banner is ripped, torn, or too faded and it is determined a new banner is needed the cost for the new banner is $140. Payment must be made prior to the banner being re-printed and/or re-hung.
Once the application is approved, photographs may be submitted. No photos should be submitted until the application is approved.
Print Photographs are Preferred, and should be at least 8 inch by 10 inch, and not enlarged from a smaller original. However, smaller original photos may be submitted or brought in to be scanned. Images can be color, black & white, or sepia toned (brownish). It does not matter how old the photo is as long as it is clean and in focus. Once approved, printed photographs will need to be scanned on a high-resolution scanner. Original photos will be returned. Digital Photographs need to be at least 300dpi (high resolution) in a JPEG, TIF, or PNG file format as that would print clearly at an 8 inch by 10 inch size. Please do not enlarge existing images. Web images or cellphone shots of the original print are not acceptable. Images saved in any document other than JPEG, TIF, or PNG are also not usable.
Examples from previous banners: