The Police Department has a staff of two part-time Animal Control Community Service Officers: ACCSO Hartz and ACCSO Wasylko. As part of their duties the ACCSOs handle animal at large calls in the city, compliance checks of the City's Dog Ordinance, and educating the community on other issues related to animal control. To speak with one of our ACCSOs in regards to an animal complaint, please call our Dispatch at 440-933-4567.
The Police Department does not trap nuisance animals (coyotes, raccoons, skunks, groundhogs, etc.). A list of nuisance trappers can be found here: Commercial Nuisance Wild Animal Control Operators. The Lorain County listings start on page 7. For ODNR General Prevention of Nuisance Wildlife please go to: Nuisance Wildlife
The City does monitor or manage the following animal issues: