Avon Lake Awarded Grant Worth Over $1.2 Million for Pedestrian Safety Project
05/11/2022 – Governor Mike DeWine and the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) announced on May 5, 2022, that ODOT
will invest $51 million into new traffic safety improvement projects. Avon Lake has been awarded $1,297,000 of that
money to improve safety along US-6 (Lake Road). After several accidents on Lake Road, one of which was fatal, the
City’s Public Safety & Health Committee hired The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc., to conduct a pedestrian safety
study. The results of the study led to the following recommendations:
• Widen bike lanes to the new 5-foot standard from the current 4-foot width
• Adjust Lake Road west of Moore Road – from four lanes to two lanes plus a center turning lane
• Install a pedestrian island and relocate the crosswalk at SR-83 (Avon Belden Road)
• Install ADA-compliant curb ramps at public roadway intersections along the Lake Road corridor as well as new pavement markings
• Construct sidewalks where gaps in existing sidewalks occur
• Install a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) near Beachpark Tower
• Install Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) at Lake Road/Armour Road and Lake Road/Jaycox Road
The Avon Lake grant application, one of 65 submitted, took a phased approach for the funding of Lake Road
improvements, concentrating on the area from the Bay Village corporation line to SR-83 that will include sidewalks
RRFBs, and high-visibility crosswalks.
The funding and associated timeline is as follows:
2023 - $149K for Design
2024 - $225K for Right of Way
2025 - $742K for Construction
This is a 90% / 10% match, so the City of Avon Lake will be responsible for 10% of the costs.
“This is going to add sidewalks to the north and south side of Lake Road. After decades of talking about sidewalks on
Lake Road, we are on the verge of finally resolving it” stated David Kos, Council Rep and chair of the Public Safety
and Health Committee, “Mannik Smith also let us know that we can apply for grants as early as this July for the next
round of sidewalk funding from SR-83 going west to the Sheffield Lake line. Then we will have achieved our goal of
sidewalks along the whole length of Lake Road.”