As part of the Deer Management Plan for the City of Avon Lake, adopted May 9, 2016, the stated goals in Section 5 are: “Based on results of the annual Deer Control Survey (“DCS”), develop changes to the City Ordinances that will allow residents to construct effective deer exclosures to prevent damage to landscaping and gardens...”
It is intended for the 2016 DCS to serve as a baseline of general public opinion regarding the issue of white-tailed deer in the City of Avon Lake and methods and techniques utilized to reduce the amount of deer/human conflicts in the most acceptable, yet effective, way(s).
This DCS was available online and in hard copy, starting May 1, 2023 and was open until June 30, 2023. During that time, 111 were completed online, and 20 were completed with pen or pencil and then, those hard copy surveys were entered individually, as if they were done online. The results of those 131 surveys follow on pages 5 - 17.