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Spectrum: 1025 – Breezeline: 21 – Breezeline Stream: 2001
Spectrum: 1024 – Breezeline: 22 – Breezeline Stream: 2002
Spectrum: 1025 – Breezeline: 21 – Breezeline Stream: 2001
Spectrum: 1024 – Breezeline: 22 – Breezeline Stream: 2002
Environmentally Speaking: The Importance of Native Plants
May 24, 2023
Avon Lake's Environmental Affairs Advisory Board (EAAB) presented Environmentally Speaking: The Importance of Native Plants on May 9, 2023. Sue Newcomb from Avon-on-the-Lake Garden Club discussed native plants of Ohio, why they are essential for your garden or yard, and how you can grow them.