Avon Lake Engage App
“You Spot It - We Got It” with the Engage Avon Lake App
Engage Avon Lake is a free app for residents to report non-emergency, quality-of-life issues, such as streetlight problems, downed tree limbs, potholes, or park maintenance issues. The “Notify the City of an Issue” option includes features such as GPS location and the ability to upload photos for each request. The app also links to the city calendar, website, and Avon Lake Community TV videos.
This is a great tool to use when you want to report an issue and don’t know who to contact. The easy-to-use interface directs users to the correct department, ensuring your issue will be received promptly.
Engage Avon Lake is not to be used for emergencies. For urgent matters that require immediate attention or an emergency response, call 9-1-1
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