Community Improvement Corporation (CIC)

Chapter 250, Avon Lake Community Improvement Corporation


Council hereby finds and determines that it is the policy of the City to promote the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of its citizens through the designation of a Community Improvement Corporation as the agency and instrumentality of the City for economic development, generally, and lakefront redevelopment, specifically within the City. The Avon Lake Community Improvement Corporation, once organized as a corporation not-for-profit in the manner provided in the Ohio Revised Code Chapter 1724, is hereby designated as the City's agency for that purpose.


The Mayor is authorized by City Council to enter into an agreement approved by the Law Director for economic development, generally, and lakefront redevelopment, specifically with the Avon Lake Community Improvement Corporation pursuant to the requirements of R.C. Section 1724.10.


Not less than two-fifths of the governing board of the Avon Lake Community Improvement Corporation shall be appointed or elected officers of the City, and the governing board shall consist of seven members. Four of the members shall be neither elected officials nor employees of the City, and these members will be appointed by Avon Lake City Council; one member shall be the Mayor of Avon Lake; one member shall be the Community Development Director of Avon Lake; and one member shall be a representative of Avon Lake City Council. The governing board shall meet annually in the month of January, and from time to time as business requires, and action taken shall be by majority vote. Membership on the governing board of the Corporation does not constitute the holding of public office or employment within the meaning of R.C. Sections 731.02 and 731.12 or any other section of the Revised Code.